

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October Happenings

Welcome to the beginning of fall and Halloween season!  I cannot express how pleased I am with the students and how well they are already progressing.  Thank you for your continued support at home - it truly makes all the difference in the world.  If you think about it in terms of numbers, it is obvious that at home practice and support is the driving force in speech and language.  I see my students once or twice per week for 15-30 minutes per session and while they may be producing their sounds correctly or using correct grammar in my room, if they leave and aren't supported, think about how MANY hours of incorrect productions they can produce and will need to overcome.  While I am thrilled to work with your children, my main goal is for them to be independent and succeed.  THANK YOU for your dedication at home and support of my work!

I have included some ideas to work on speech and language at home to change your approach and not make it seem so much like "work" (for either the parents or students).  I hope these help and you can always contact me if you would like more!

OCTOBER Speech Homework

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