

Friday, September 7, 2012

Moving Along.....

It was wonderful to see you if you were able to attend our Curriculum Nights here at Elizabeth Ide.  It was nice to reconnect with familiar faces and meet new families.  It has been a joy to see returning students and I am anxious to begin working with them!  Kindergarten screening will be completed next week and speech services will officially start the following week.

If the screening determines your child may benefit from speech services, you will receive a letter and consent form next week regarding Sound Improvement Training. This is a program offered to students in compliance with the government's Response to Intervention (RTI) program.  I developed this program four years ago and it has proven quite successful for many students.  A program such as this allows students to benefit from speech services without initially being placed in special education. RTI is a preventative measure that allows a student to possibly reduce his/her risk for further articulation difficulties that may negatively affect his/her educational performance by participating in a Sound Improvement Group.

In the Sound Improvement Group, I meet with students with similar needs individually or in small groups to 1) check for stimulability of sound production, 2) attempt possible interventions to develop correct sound production, and 3) track data to interpret future needs of the students. Since we focus on sounds that are still developing, there is no guarantee that this will be your child's only speech and language intervention. This is a preventative measure used for a specific amount of time (semester basis) to see how your child's sound production develops. Your participation at home is warranted for the duration of this program. Homework will be given and each child is expected to practice while in this group.

If you see this paperwork come home and you have ANY questions, please contact me at any time via telephone or email.  

Fair is not everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they need. -Anonymous.

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