I hope you all enjoyed family, friends and great food over Thanksgiving break. If there are any questions regarding progress notes or charts, please contact me at any time. November was a time of gratitude as much as December is a time of excitement, more family, and the joy of children! I know you will all be busier than ever this holiday season - please keep in mind it is especially important that the kids continue to practice (especially since we will have two weeks off at the end of the month)....
I have included some ideas to keep practice fun over this holiday season. Maybe if you have guests, they can assist as well? Let your child's imagination flow as you practice their speech and language skills all throughout the month. Find things at the store with their sound, go over their Christmas list looking for their sound, describe the items they would like in detail rather than just naming, as they help around the house and in the kitchen - use this as a time to "sneak" in speech and language practice. Check out even more ideas on this page:
Creative Practice Handout
Enjoy your time together and thank you, as always, for your continued support of the work your child does in speech!! YOU make quite a difference in their progress.