To make practice more fun over break I have posted a board game that you can use. Instructions for use are under the "comments" section. It is important that during this busy time the students continue to practice since we will not be meeting for the next two weeks.
If your child takes piano lessons, your job is to make sure she practices. Now that your child has started school, it’s your job to see that she does her homework, and help her with it at times. There are 168 hours in a week. If I see a child once a week for half an hour, that gives the child 167½ hours between sessions for the brain pathways we just spent 30 minutes building and reinforcing to atrophy from lack of practice. A daily speech therapy home practice program can go a long way toward maintaining the progress a child makes in therapy, and can make the difference between noticeable improvement and month after month of therapy with little or no change.
A home program does not need to be a major time commitment on your part, but it is important. Usually, I ask parents to try for 15 to 30 minutes a day, but even five or ten minutes every day will benefit your child more than an hour once a week!
While I appreciate the home support my students have received all year so far, it is YOUR child who is reaping the most benefits! THANK YOU and compliments to all the people at home who assist in our students' successes. Have a wonderful, safe, and healthy holiday season. Enjoy your time with your children at home!!
"Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of very part of your life."
Brian Tracy